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3 Common Questions People Have About Medical Assistant Programs

There are medical assistant programs offered at several trade schools all over the United States. This makes it quite easy for those interested in medical assisting to get the schooling that they need for their certificate. However, because it is a career path for you, it is important that you have all of your questions answered before you commit to this career path. This article will discuss 3 common questions that people have about medical assistant programs.

What Will I Learn How To Do In The Program?

During your medical assistant program, you will take a variety of classes that will teach you about different clinical and surgical procedures, as well as medical billing and coding, and medical examination techniques. In these courses, you will learn how to correctly gather a medical history for your patient, and how to properly record you patient's vital signs, such as blood pressure and body temperature. You will also learn how to prep your patient for different examinations, and you will learn about several different types of treatment so that you will be able to explain them to your patient and answer any questions that they may have. 

How Long Will It Take Me To Complete The Program?

When deciding what medical assistant program to take, you generally have two options. One option will take you a year to complete the program, and the other will take you two years to complete. The one-year program allows you to get your certificate after two semesters of classes, and can often be taken during high school or at a trade school. The second option allows you to get your Associate's Degree, as well as your Medical Assistant Program Certificate. You will be required not only to take the mandatory classes for your medical assistant program, but also the required general electives to get your degree. Having an Associate's Degree can sometimes lead to higher pay because you have completed more schooling, so some feel that the extra year is worth it. 

Where Can I Work When I'm Done?

Medical offices are the most popular location for medical assistants to work. These can include the offices of regular physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors, etc., with more than half of medical assistants working for a physician. However, working in some locations may require extra training due to the work responsibilities that you will be required to complete, so you may want to factor that into your decision. To learn more, check out a medical assistant program in your area.
